
PsyDoc is one of many organisations for PhD and post-docs in Europe.


UiOdoc is the interest organisation for all PhD and post-docs at the entire University of Oslo. They arrange debates and lectures that can be of interest for all their members. They wish to facilitate more networking among the young researchers at the University, and are the unifying organisation for all local organisations like PsyDoc, MedDoc etc.


Stipendiatenesorganisasjon i Norge is the national organisation for all PhD organisations in Norway. They works with unifying and ensuring the level of PhD-training in Norway, as well as ensuring good counselling and good working conditions.



Eurodoc is the organisation for all PhD's and post-docs in Europe. They have headquarters in Brussles, and work toward maintaining good working conditions across Europe, and facilitate networking between young researchers in Europe through conferences.

Published May 19, 2014 3:28 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2014 9:13 AM