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NGT from 2005

Bullimore, Scott ; Henriksen, Sverre ; Liestøl, Frode M.; Helland-Hansen, William 2005
Clinoform stacking patterns, shelf-edge trajectories and facies associations in Tertiary coastal deltas, offshore Norway: Implications for the prediction of lithology in prograding systems
NGT Vol. 85.(): NJG_85_N1&2_169-187.pdf

Armintage, Paul E. B.; Bergh, Steffen G. 2005
Structural development of the Mjelde-Skorelvvatn Zone on Kvaløya, Troms: a supracrustal shear belt in the Precambrian West Troms Basement Complex, North Norway
NGT Vol. 85 (1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_117-132.pdf

Eide, Elizabeth; Haabesland, Nils Erik; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Andersen, Torgeir B.; Roberts, David; Kendrick, Mark A. 2005
Modern techniques and Old Red problems - determining the age of continental sedimentary deposits with 40Ar/39Ar provenance analysis in west-central Norway
NGT Vol. 85 (1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_133-149.pdf

Stemmerik, Lars ; Worsley, David 2005
30 years on - Arctic Upper Palaeozoic stratigraphy, depositional evolution and hydrocarbon prospectivity
NGT Vol. 85 (1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_151-168.pdf

Davies, Neil S.; Turner, Peter; Sansom, Ivan J. 2005
A revised stratigraphy for the Ringerike Group (Upper Silurian, Oslo Region)
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG_85_193-202.pdf

Hansen, Thomas 2005
A new trilobite species of Hemisphaerocoryphe from the Arenig of the St. Petersburg area, Russia.
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG-85-203-208.pdf

Hansen, Thomas; Bruton, David L.; Jakobsen, Sten L. 2005
Starfish from the Ordovician of the Oslo Region, Norway
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG_85_3_209-216.pdf

Davies, Neil S.; Turner, Peter; Sansom, Ivan J. 2005
Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Late Silurian Stubdal Formation: result of seismic triggering
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG-85-233-243.pdf

Bugnum, Hilmar ; Olesen, Odleiv 2005
The 31st of August 1819 Lurøy earthquake revisited
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG-85-245-252.pdf

Øvrebø, Lena K.; Haughton, Peter D. W.; Shannon, Patrick M. 2005
Temporal and spatial variations in Late Quaternary slope sedimetation along the undersupplied margins of the Rockall Trough, offshore west Ireland
NGT Vol. 85 (4)(): NJG-85-279-294.pdf

Dahlgren, Karl Ivar Torbjørn ; Lindberg, Bjørn 2005
Buried sedimentary mound in the Nyk High area, Mid-Norwegian margin: Are they Miocene-Pliocene cold-water coral mounds?
NGT Vol. 85 (4)(): NJG-85-221-230.pdf

Piper, David J.W. 2005
Late Cenozoic evolution of the continental margin of eastern Canada
NGT Vol. 85 (4)(): NJG-85-305-318.pdf

Lien, Trond 2005
From rifting to drifting: effects on the development of deep-water hydrocarbon reservoirs in a passive margin setting, Norwegian Sea
NGT Vol. 85 (4)(): NJG-85-319-332.pdf

Jamtveit, Jørn 2005
Physics of Geological Processes (PGB): Some recent advances
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_23-32.pdf

Gabrielsen, Roy; Bruton, David L.; Bryhni, Inge; Ramberg, Ivar B. 2005
On the shoulders of giants - Musings on the history of geoscience in Norway
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_3-22.pdf

Jansen, Eystein; Dokken, Trond; Nesje, Atle; Dahl, Svein Olaf; Linge, Henriette; Ninnemann, Ulysses S.; Otteraa, Odd Helge 2005
Bjerknes Centre for climate research - combining past, present and future climate change
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_33-44.pdf

Solheim, Anders; Bhasin, Rajinder; Blasio, Fabio V. D.; Blikra, Lars H.; Boyle, Stan; Braathen, Alvar; Dehls, John; Elverhøi, Anders; Etzelmüller, Bernd; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Harbitz, Carl B.; Heyerdahl 2005
International Centre for Geohazards (ICG): Assessment, prevention and mitigation of geohazards
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_45-62.pdf

Tveranger, Jan ; Braathen, Alvar ; Skar, Tore ; Skauge, Arne 2005
Centre for Inegrated Petroleum Research - Research activites with emphasis on fluid flow in fault zones.
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_63-71.pdf

Torsvik, Trond ; Cocks, L. Robin M. 2005
Norway in space and time: A centennial cavalcade
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG_85_N1&2_73-86.pdf

Bingen, Bernard; Skår, Øyvind; Marker, Mogens; Sigmond, Ellen M. O.; Nordgulen, Øystein; Ragnhildstveit, Jomar; Mansfeld, Joakim; Tucker, Robert D.; Liegeois, Jean Paul 2005
Timing of continental building in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Scandinavia
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG-85-87-116.pdf

Maletz, Jörg ; Egenhoff, Sven O. 2005
Dendroid grapolites in the Elnes Formation (Middle Ordovician), Oslo Region, Norway
NGT Vol. 85(3)(): NJG-85-217-221.pdf

Hansen, Jesper ; Harper, David A.T. 2005
Palaeoneumania, a new name for the genus Neumania Harper, 1981 (Brachiopoda), preoccupied by Neumania Lebert, 1879 (Arthropoda)
NGT Vol. 85(3)(): NJG-85-223.pdf

Follestad, Bjørn A. 2005
Large-scale patterns of glacial streaming flow deduced from satellite imagery over Sør-Trøndelag
NGT Vol. 85(3)(): NJG-85-225-232.pdf

Husebye, Eystein S. 2005
Comments on the Lurøy 1819 earthquake controversy
NGT Vol. 85(3)(): NJG-85-253-256.pdf

Martinsen, Ole J. 2005
Deep-water sedimentary systems of Arctic and North Atlantic margins: An introduction
NGT Vol. 85(4)(): NJG-85-261-266.pdf

Laberg, Jan Sverre; Vorren, Tore O.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Ivanov, Mikhail; Andersen, Espen S. 2005
A modern canyon-fed sandy turbidite system of the Norwegian Continental Margin
NGT Vol. 85(4)(): NJG-85-267-277.pdf

Bingen, Bernard; Skår, Øyvind; Marker, Mogens; Sigmond, Ellen M. O.; Nordgulen, Øystein; Ragnhildstveit, Jomar; Mansfeld, Joakim; Tucker, Robert D.; Liegeois, Jean Paul 2005
Timing of continental building in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Scandinavia
NGT Vol. 85(1/2)(): NJG-85-87-116.xls

Bugnum, Hilmar ; Olesen, Odleiv 2005
Reply to ‘Comments on the Lurøy 1819 earthquake controversy’ by E.S. Husebye.
NGT Vol. 85 (3)(): NJG-85-257-258.pdf

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