Norwegian version of this page


The Philological Association was originally founded in the spring of 1840 as a professional association of philologists and educators. The association was established on the initiative of the then professor of Greek at the Royal Frederik's University (now known as the University of Oslo) - Frederik Ludvig Vibe, and the principal of the Cathedral School in Trondheim - Frederik Moltke Bugge. The latter became the first chairman of the association and is regarded as its founding member. The aim of the association was to create a forum for the representatives of classical philology and classical education, in defense of classical studies. These positions were subjected to strong pressure from forces that wanted more science in the school, and a more sober perception of the importance of language study for personality formation (bildung). It is this controversy that in Norwegian history goes by the term “dannelsesstriden”.

However, Bugge's and Vibe's measures did not last long, and after some good years the activity ceased in 1849. It would take until 1857 before the activity was permanently resumed, and then in the form of an association primarily intended for students. However, older professionals continued to be - to a great extent - active throughout the 19th century. Several of the professors, such as Sophus Bugge and Marcus Monrad, were frequent guests. In 1875, the association went even further to invite the great Danish philologist J. N. Madvig to give a lecture. It cannot be said enough that the Philological Society at this time was a unifying philological forum in Kristiania (Oslo). 

Throughout the 20th century, the association developed into more and more to become a student association of the kind we know it today. Regular meetings were held, often with lectures, and in 1910 the association's order "The Supreme Order of the Owl", which originally dates from the 1880s, was revived in dignified student-friendly forms. In the years around 1940 the association also had its own theater group where, among other things. Mentz Schulerud and his sister Anne Cath. (later married Vestly) joined. It was also during this time that the "Filologen" (founded in 1882), was transformed into a modern student magazine.

However, during the 1960s the association began to experience recession. The increased politicization and radicalization of the student environment must be said to have been an important factor for this. The association activity was to be down for almost twenty years before a group of students with Frode Vogelsang at the head took the initiative to revive the activity in 1991. By private contributions to beer - Vogelsang's income from summer jobs - the first event started, and thus the wheels began to roll again. For a few years foyer parties were held in Sophus Bugge's house, but on the 3rd of March, 1994 FF got its own residence. A bombshelter in the basement of Sophus Bugge house was furnished to bodega / student tavern, and it gradually became known as "Uglebo". The name must, over the years, be said to have entered into the Blindern terminology itself. That same year, Filologen also got back on its feet.

By Trond Werner Pettersen, Asa Stuart-Campbell
Published Feb. 22, 2020 8:02 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2020 8:07 PM
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