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Bridge by neural play

There is an app called "Bridge" which you can find by searching for "bridge by neural play" in the app store of most modern smart phones.

This is an app for playing bridge against a computer player (bot). This bot is not very skilled even on the highest difficulty, but the app is good for practicing bidding. You can ask for hints in the auction phase, and by pressing calls already placed, you can see the explanation. By pushing the three question marks where your next call is to go, and then pressing "more info" at the bottom, you can see what all the available calls would mean. Some of them will be marked with "not understood", meaning that they are not defined in the given position.

The bidding system is not exactly identical to the system we teach in our beginners course, but under settings -> bidding system, you can set it to custom, and under custom bidding system, you can set some options. The following options will make the bidding system as close to our system as we can get. The options not marked as standard in the list below must be explicitly set to the given value. We also recommend putting the bots to the highest difficulty level.

  • Customizing this system: Natural - SAYC, ACOL, 2/1 game force. (Standard.)
  • Major opening length: five card major. (Standard.)
  • One notrump opening range: 15-17. (Standard.)
  • Do not enable the option for 2/1 game forcing.
  • Opening two bids: weak twos. (Standard.)
  • Blackwood: Roman Key Card Blackwood 0341. (Not standard.)
  • Don't enable Gerber.
  • Enable Michaels cuebid.
  • Enable unusual notrump.
  • Suit overcall of one notrump:  Natural. (Not standard.)
  • Enable for Jacoby transfers.
  • Enable Jacoby 2NT. (This is very similar to the Stenberg convention.)
  • Negative doubles: through 2 spades. (Not standard.)
  • Enable gambling 3NT.
By Henrik Oppen
Published Mar. 9, 2023 8:48 PM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2023 8:48 PM