Norwegian version of this page

Cabin-trip to "KSI-Hytta"

The KSI-Cabin is ca. a 50 minutes walk from the Voksenkollen Tube-station (above "Holmenkollen"). The cabin have room for 28 people, and as such have plenty of room for both new and old members. Food and Rent come to about 500 kr. pr. participant, and half of that if your only spending one night. 

most of us typically leave together from Majorstua Tube-station friday afternoon/evening. Before this We'll have planned and bought what we need for the enitre weekend of both personal and common goods. There's a small selection of drinks to be bought there (som sodas/cheap beers).

Prices pr night:

OSI-members:  100-
SiO-students:      150,-


Published Aug. 18, 2015 10:15 PM - Last modified July 10, 2017 10:47 AM