Results of the local collective salary negotiations at UiO 2021

This year's local salary negotiations in accordance with the basic collective agreement section 2.5.1 between The university of Oslo and Akademikerne is completed and the protocol has been signed.

In 2021 the The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations (Akademikerne) has negotiated in the local collective salary negotiations for approximately 2300 members from our 15 member organisations at the University of Oslo.

The result is available in the form of a signed protocol.



Main results:

  • Members with an annual salary up to and including 500.000,- NOK have been given a general salary rise of 2,4 % of their annual salary

  • Members with an annual salary up to and including 600.000,- NOK have been given a general salary rise of 1,8 % of their annual salary

  • Members with an annual salary above 600.000,- NOK have been given a general salary rise of 1,5 % of their annual salary

  • In addition, individual salary rises have been negotiated

The additions will be added to your annual salary with effect as of 1.5.2021.


You will receive an e-mail from The university of Oslo with information on the results of the negotiations. The e-mail will be sent to you Monday 1 November. Payment of the salary rise will be effectuated during December.

We refer to your nearest leader for a pay appraisal interview or questions about your salary, after you have received the e-mail.

Published Nov. 1, 2021 12:06 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2021 12:06 PM