Join us to watch a historical rocket launch!

Universum Panton invites you to watch a historical rocket launch of the
Inspiration4 crew on Wednesday (15.09.21). This event will be streamed on
Discord and together we can watch and share this special moment. The time of
the rocket launch is 02:00 AM on Wednesday 15 september (unfortunately, we
can't change the time of the launch, but it will be a historic event and would
be fun to watch together).

🕒When: Wednesday 02:00 (the night from Tuesday to Wednesday)
🌍Where: On discord: Send us a message to get the Discord link
❓What to do: Bring snacks to your bed and open the Universum Panton Discord
⏱️: Duration: As long as you like
ℹ️ More information:

Publisert 9. sep. 2021 18:44 - Sist endret 9. sep. 2021 18:44