Norwegian version of this page

About the Norwegian Association for the History of Science

The Norwegian Association for the History of Science (NVF) is an independent association based in Norway. The Association’s objective is to gather and make visible the Norwegian history of science community. The Association brings together scholars working on the history of science, medicine and technology on any theme, topic or period to discuss historical, epistemological, political, institutional, and ethical issues of relevance to both a Scandinavian and an international audience, welcoming researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers.

The objective is furthered through:

a) Organizing a history of science conference every second year

b) Representing Norway in the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST), within the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST)

c) Contribute to information dissemination and other measures consistent with the objectives of the Association