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NGT from 1978

Beeson, R. 1978
The geochemistry of meta-igneous rocks from the amphibolite facies terrain of south Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_001-015.pdf

Rai, K. 1978
Micromineralogy and geochemistry of spalerites from Sulitjelma mining district, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_017-031.pdf

Genes, A.N. 1978
Glacial geology of the island Stord, west Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_033-049.pdf

Husebye, E.S., Bungum, H., Fyen, J. & Gjøystdal, H. 1978
Earthquake activity in Fennoscandia between 1497 and 1975 and intraplate tectonics.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_051-068.pdf

Hageskov, B. 1978
On the Precambrian structures of the Sandbukta-Mølen inlier in the Oslo graben, SE Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_069-080.pdf

Grønlie, G. & Logn, Ø. 1978
The Old Vigsnes copper mine at Karmøy, western Norway. Presentation of geophysical data.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_081-091.pdf

Copley, P.A. & Gay, P. 1978
A scanning electron microscope investigation of some Norwegian aventurine feldspars.
NGT Vol. 58(1): NGT_58_1_093-095.pdf

Steen Petersen, J. & Pedersen, S. 1978
Strontium-isotope study of the Kleivan granite, southern Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(2): NGT_58_2_097-102.pdf

Esbensen, K.H., Thy, P. & Wilson, R. 1978
A note on the cumulate stratigraphy of the Fongen-Hyllingen gabbro complex, Trondheim Region, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(2): NGT_58_2_103-107.pdf

Andreasson, P.G. 1978
Aspects of the lithology and structure of the Leksdalsvann Group, Tømmerås window, central Norwegian Caledonides.
NGT Vol. 58(2): NGT_58_2_109-112.pdf

Bøe, P. & Gautier, A.M. 1978
Precambrian primary volcanic structures in the Alta-Kvænangen tectonic window, northern Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(2): NGT_58_2_113-119.pdf

Mori, K. 1978
Stromatoporoids from the Silurian of the Oslo Region, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(2): NGT_58_2_121-144.pdf

Færseth, R.B. & Steel, R.J. 1978
Silurian conglomerate sedimentation and tectonics within the Fennoscandian continental margin, Sunnhordaland, western Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_145-160.pdf

Gustavson, M. 1978
Geochemistry of the Skålvær greenstone, and a geotectonic model for the Caledonides of Helgeland, north Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_161-174.pdf

Johnson, H.D. 1978
Facies distributions and lithostratigraphic correlation in the late Precambrian Ekkerøy Formation, east Finnmark, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_175-190.pdf

Rietmeijer, F.J.M. & Dekker, A.G.C. 1978
An extreme form of poikiloblastic texture in Rogaland - Vest-Agder, SW Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_191-198.pdf

Owens, R.M. 1978
The trilobita genera Panarchaeogonus Öpik, Isbergia Warburg and Cyamops gen. nov. from the Ordovician of Balto-Scandia and the British Isles.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_199-219.pdf

Sturt, B.A. & Thon, A. 1978
A major early Caledonian igneous complex and a profound unconformity in the Lower Palaeozoic sequence of Karmøy, southwest Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_221-228.pdf

Abdel-Monem, A.A. & Bryhni, I. 1978
A Rb/Sr date from anorthosite-suite rocks of the Gloppen-Eikefjord area, western Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_229-232.pdf

Dekko, T. & Rokoengen, K. 1978
A submerged beach in the northern part of the North Sea.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_233-236.pdf

Kautsky, F.E. 1978
New occurrences of mega-lenses of the Särv Nappe in northern Trøndelag, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_237-240.pdf

Haldorsen, S. 1978
Glacial comminution om mineral grains.
NGT Vol. 58(3): NGT_58_3_241-243.pdf

Owen, A.W. 1978
The Upper Ordovician succession at Norderhov and on Frognøya in Ringerike, Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_245-258.pdf

Skjerlie, F.J. & Pringle, I.R. 1978
A Rb/Sr whole-rock isochron date from the lowermost gneiss complex of the Gaular area, west Norway and its regional implicatios.
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_259-265.pdf

Roberts, J.L. 1978
Basement gneisses mapped as Valdres Sparagmite near Hermansverk, in Sogn, west Norway.
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_267-272.pdf

Bryhni, I. 1978
Flood deposits in the Hornelen Basin, west Norway (Old Red Sandstones).
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_273-300.pdf

Bockelie, T.L. 1978
Notes: Comments on chitonozoan classification.
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_301-304.pdf

Andreasson, P.G., Gee, D.G. & Kumpulainen, R. 1978
Some remarks on the Steinkjer Mega-boudin.
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_4_305-307.pdf

Norsk Geologisk Forening (Editor) 1978
Innholdsfortegnelse (Contents)
NGT Vol. 58(4): NGT_58_cont.pdf

[Cover] 1978

NGT Vol. (): NGT_58_1_cover.pdf

[Cover] 1978

NGT Vol. (): NGT_58_2_cover.pdf

[Cover] 1978

NGT Vol. (): NGT_58_3_cover.pdf

[Cover] 1978

NGT Vol. (): NGT_58_4_cover.pdf

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