Become a member

You can become a member of LAF Studentlag by registering in this link.

Are you curious? Just join our internal members group on Facebook and ask questions!

Click here:


If you wish to become a full member of both the student chapter (LAF Studentlag) and the main Latin American Association (Latinamerikansk forening), you can pay 100 NOK by Vipps to recipient #577601 and choose "LAF Studentmedlemskap 2023" or email to get an invoice.

The benefits of becoming a full member are many:

  • You get automatic access to all LAF events, both for students and others.
  • You can attend special events organized by the main association, such as CV and job application tutorials, barbecues and networking events, meetings and debates about Latin America, or events by and for women with LAF kvinner and #OssKvinner.
  • You can become and active member and volunteer in any of the active working groups: LAF Women, LAF Kultur og mangfold, ECO-LAF, LAF Studentlag and LAF Portugisisk. This is valuable experience you can put on your CV right away!
Published Mar. 13, 2021 9:28 PM - Last modified May 25, 2023 9:38 PM