Norwegian version of this page

Pair tournament

Akademisk Bridgeklubb will host a pair tournament on Tuesday 19. November 2024, starting at 17.30. We will play in the Science Library at Blindern, were we have our regular club events.

We will play between 14 and 18 boards, depending on the number of tables. Everyone will meet everyone. If there are less than 4 tables, the scoring will be IMP across. If there are 4 or more tables, the will be regular MP scoring.

The price will be NOK 1000 to the winning pair and NOK 500 to second place.

Sign up through the web page for the tournament under the Norwegian Bridge Association (external). You sign up in pairs, and need a membership number.

Players that are not members of Akademisk Bridgeklubb must pay a registration fee of NOK 50,-.

We have partner guarantor, so if you don't have a partner, you can still just show up if you want to play.

Feel free to contact the club if you have questions: contact information. See also our Facebook event.

Published June 29, 2024 6:38 PM - Last modified June 30, 2024 1:27 PM