Bouncer/Security group

The security group works to ensure the safety of all who attend RFs events.
To be certain that we have a good and secure group to take care of our guests, we take our time to decide if a possible security group member is fit for duty.

Traditionaly you don't sign up to be a guard. We pick those people we believe will fit in with the group, and ask if they're interested. Often times we look for people in the bar group due to their experience.
If you're still interested, have a chat with a guard one night, but be aware that we take our time deciding if someone fits as a new member. There are no conditions due to strength or fighting experience, but we cherish a good attitude, a sense of responsibility and a trustworthy personality.

Published Aug. 15, 2012 5:19 PM - Last modified July 19, 2018 4:07 PM